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About us

Who we are

The Spring of Light Foundation, Nigeria (SLF) is a not-for-profit charity organization that is fully registered in Nigeria (RC:6883699) with a mandate to end hunger, educate and give hope to children and adolescents of primary and secondary school age in Nigeria living in poverty.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

Helping the needy

One in Four Children in Nigeria lives in extreme poverty in households living on less than $1.90 daily. More than half of the almost One hundred million children in Nigeria are multidimensionally poor; this includes a lack of access to education, nutrition and basic social amenities. At TSLCF, we know we cannot lift every child from poverty, but one day at a time, one at a time, we are making an impact.

“For the needy shall never cease to be in the land… ”

Deuteronomy 15:11


Power of Education

We believe that education is the greatest gift we can give to these children to lift them out of poverty. At the same time, we educate and feed them, providing two meals daily. As a Christian charity organization, we also strive to feed their soul and spirit by communicating Christ’s message of hope to them.

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world”

Nelson Mandela


Feeding, educating and empowering the next generation… Give every child a chance.


To reduce the number of Nigerian children living in poverty and empower them through quality education.


SLF is Christ-centered with a mission of meeting the need of the whole man, including the soul and the spirit. Regularly communicating the gospel message of hope to the sponsored children and adolescents will be part of our routine.


End hunger, educate and give hope to children.

We Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat.

We continually experiment on the best approach to help end hunger and increase quality education in Nigeria.

Never Settle

We have an obligation to question why things are not working well, change the narrative, raise the bar, and improve human lives.

Committed to HUMANITY

We act promptly, enthusiastically, and professionally so we can save lives.

People Ready to Help

We’re curious, passionate, and committed to helping nonprofits learn and grow. Oh, and some of us are stage actors and worm farmers on the side.