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Feed Nigeria's Hungry & Poor Vulnerable Children

The Spring of Light Charity Foundation > Blog > Uncategorized > Feed Nigeria’s Hungry & Poor Vulnerable Children
  • Admin
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In Nigeria, there are reportedly 17.5 million orphans and vulnerable children. Children in orphanages and rehabilitation facilities miss their parents’ love and care and are dependent on financial aid and food donations from private citizens and business entities to survive. They face numerous difficulties, including a lack of access to high-quality education, inadequate dietary intake, limited access to healthcare, worn-out clothing, and a lack of psychosocial support, so assistance is required.

To ensure that the children there are properly cared for, just like their counterparts at home, we will visit all of the orphanages and rehabilitation centers in Nnewi and its surroundings and donate food and other necessities.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

Richard Arkenstone

Like their peers who are at home with their parents, these kids will continue to be properly fed and to have other necessities that are necessary for them to continue living a fulfilling life.

In order to properly care for the children there, this project will provide food and other necessities to orphanages and rehabilitation centers in Lagos and its surroundings. Millions of children in Nigeria who are at risk due to the COVID-19 pandemic are now left to endure unimaginable economic hardship, a lack of love, dropping out of school, poor health, inadequate nutrition, etc. Without financial support, these kids’ futures are in jeopardy.

Author: Admin

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